There’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and then there’s Giving Tuesday, an international day of giving.
In 2018, Giving Tuesday raised $400 million online in the U.S. from 3.6 million total gifts. In a time when our society is so engulfed in trying to find the next deal and satisfy one more desire, we think it’s so wonderful that there is a day set aside just for giving back.
This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to partner with us in serving our community in a real, tangible way. One goal we have for the upcoming year is to send our nurse manager to The Center For Healthy Relationships in Denver, CO for training in the REAL Essentials curriculum.
The REAL Essentials curriculum focuses on teaching our youth about healthy relationships and sexual risk avoidance. Our hope is that we will be able to present this educational and relational information to our youth here in Star Valley, both in our schools, and our youth groups.
We look forward to embarking on this adventure with you, our LIFE partners, to bring a relatable and effective curriculum to Star Valley.
Will you join us?
To learn more about Giving Tuesday, visit