Today marks the kick-off of our Virtual Annual Banquet Fundraiser. To be honest, we are sad about not hosting our 3rd Annual Banquet in person. We were so excited about our speakers this year. And even more excited to share this evening with each and every one of you. We have so enjoyed our last couple banquets. Our board of directors and staff spend a substantial amount of time in planning our fundraising events, especially our annual banquet. So, knowing that we won’t be able to fellowship with you, and spend a special evening with you, makes us a bit melancholy.
Usually on this day we would be busy setting up the dining room with gorgeous center pieces and linens, while smelling the amazing food that’s being prepared to share with our donors.
We would be meeting with our speakers, going over the schedule of events, and praying with them as they prepare their testimonies for the evening.
We would be waiting in anticipation to see what God was going to do through the day and evening. We’d be gearing up for a 14 hour day, making sure we as a team were taking care of each other, so we could then present you with an amazing testimony and evening centered on Christ. We’d be giddy with witnessing your excitement and inspiration for getting involved in this ministry.
But, these are not the things we are doing today. God had a different plan for Azar House this year. And you know what? We are EXCITED! We know we serve an AMAZING God who loves His children, born and unborn. And we consider it an absolute honor to be able to reach out to those that are not only capable of attending our banquet in person, but to people around the GLOBE! What a huge blessing!
So, it’s with bated breath and joy in our hearts that we jump into Day 1 of our 10 Day Virtual Fundraising Event.
Each day we will share one thing that we love about Azar House Pregnancy Resource Center. So here’s what we are sharing for day number one:

We do not take our role as client advocates lightly here at Azar House. We fervently pray for our clients. We pray before each shift that we would be good stewards of the clients that we are entrusted with. Our mission is to educate women and men about their options when faced with unplanned pregnancies. Our hearts are to help our clients know their worth and their options, so they can make their decision having been given all of the facts. And we consider it our deepest honor to come alongside our clients during a time in their life when they perhaps feel more alone than ever before.
We look forward to sharing our passion for this ministry in the days to come, and we invite you to join us in this journey we will take over the next 10 days. Our goal is to raise $40,000 in 10 days. Do you think our goal will be met?
Stay tuned for updates! We will be keeping our donors updated via email and social media.