As we reflect on the last 10 days, we are filled with a deep gratitude that overwhelms our souls. What an outpouring of support you’ve been during these unprecedented times.
We were faced with a significant challenge in the face of COVID-19. Having postponed our annual banquet to June 5th from early February, we were nervous about our financial situation. Our annual banquet funds the majority of our year, and without the funds raised during this event, the future of the ministry would be unknown.
But that’s not the kind of God we serve. As we remind ourselves that this ministry is His, we are filled with anticipation of witnessing God bringing beauty from ashes.
And that’s exactly what He’s done through each and every one of you during this 10 day event. And for that, we want to say THANK YOU.
As a testimony to the golden hearts of those who donated during our virtual event, we wanted to show you the special notes we received in the process:
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for your support of this Christ centered ministry.
One last time, we are going to ask that, if you know anyone who would like to participate in keeping our doors open, providing FREE services to anyone who needs them, will you please share our donating link with them?
For the last time of this virtual event, here it is: