Day 2: June 6th, 2020

It’s Day 2! We are happy to report that day 1 was a success! We still have 9 days to go, and we have no doubt that our goal of $40,000 will be met, perhaps even surpassed! We are currently at $11,945.13.

So, it’s time to discuss the 2nd thing we love about this ministry. (And I must preface this by saying these are in no particular order). Here it goes:

We love life. We love life of all ages. We believe Every Life Is Precious. Every life matters. That’s why we are so passionate about educating those who benefit from our services about LIFE. This includes pregnancy, yes, but also what happens afterwards. We stand by our clients as they initially learn they are pregnant. We discuss their options, ( parenting, adoption, and abortion), and we listen to their concerns. We answer questions. We never pass judgement. We do not profit in any way from their decisions. Our hearts are to educate them to make the best decision for themselves, not convince them to do what “we” would do or what “we” believe they “should” do.

Then, we offer our services. In educating our clients, we offer so many great services, all of which will be discussed over the next week or so. Here’s a brief list of what Azar House PRC has to offer anyone who needs our services, (and what we will be discussing over the next week or so):

  • Pregnancy Tests
  • Ultrasounds
  • Options Counseling
  • Prenatal Classes
  • Parenting Classes
  • Pregnancy Loss Healing Program
  • Post Abortion Healing Program
  • Community Referrals

WE LOVE LIFE! And that’s why we all serve here at Azar House. Will you join us in the endeavor to make sure these free services have the opportunity to flourish in our community? Will you help ensure that whoever needs these services can get them, regardless of income or health insurance status?

*Azar House Pregnancy Resource center does not perform or refer for abortions.

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