We’ve made it to Day 6 of our Virtual Annual Banquet! Thank you to everyone who has participated in this event! We are starting Day 6 at 55.6% of our total goal of $40,000. We’d sure love to reach 60% by the end of the day. That means we need $1,760. Do you think we can get there?
We’ve witnessed such heartwarming messages from many who are coming together in support of this ministry. The memo’s they’ve left us when donating online have warmed our hearts and touched us in ways we didn’t expect. Thank you for trusting us to be good stewards of the funds you’ve donated. We don’t take that lightly.
It’s Day 6 out of ten. And the sixth thing we are presenting today is an extremely important aspect of what this ministry exists to do.

When someone finds themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, a multitude of emotions unfold. Fear. Anxiety. Sadness. Despair…
It is our goal at Azar House to listen to each client and really hear what they are feeling. We want to validate their feelings. And let them know that it’s okay to feel what they’re feeling. Our goal is that when they arrive experiencing a host of horrible feeings, they will leave having been HEARD. They will leave having experienced Peace. Patience. Kindness. and above all: LOVE.
When presenting a client with their options, it’s extremely important that we are unbiased. That we present them with only facts, and never a personal agenda. It’s an ongoing struggle in the PRC realm to battle those who think we force people to “Keep Their Babies”, when in fact we educate. We give them information on abortion. We teach them about the adoption process. We provide parenting support. We pray with them if we’ve been given the permission to do so. And then we pray afterwards as a staff, as a board, as a volunteer base. We keep Christ right in the middle of this ministry, because these are HIS children we are meeting with. He’s entrusted them to us to be a light in one of the darkest points in their life.
So, will you join us as a beacon on the hill? Will you continue this mission with us to continue offering these FREE services to anyone who needs them, regardless of their situations?
If you’d like to help fund Azar House, you can do so by mailing a check to:
PO BOX 5243
Etna, WY 83118
Or you can give your gift online: