Day 10: June 14th, 2020

As we reflect on the last 10 days, we are filled with a deep gratitude that overwhelms our souls. What an outpouring of support you’ve been during these unprecedented times. We were faced with a significant challenge in the face of COVID-19. Having postponed our annual banquet to June 5th from early February, we were … Continued

Day 9: June 13th, 2020

We are down to the last two days of this incredible 10 day journey we’ve been on. The blessings we’ve witnessed and the generosity of so many has truly touched our hearts. And we are very very grateful. Today we want to celebrate our clients. They are the reason we are here. They are our … Continued

Day 8: June 12th, 2020

It’s Day 8 of our 10 day virtual fundraiser! Thank you so much to those of you who have stuck with us this entire time. We have been hugely blessed by your support and want you to know that each and every single one of you are precious to us. For day 8 we are … Continued

Day 7: June 11th, 2020

From Christina Wetzel, our Executive Director: Day 7!!! We are on the downhill stretch. We have been overwhelmed by the goodness of God during this fundraiser and the generosity of our donors. We appreciate you all. We are currently at 60% of our total goal of raising $40,000. Please help us spread the word so … Continued

Day 6: June 10th, 2020

We’ve made it to Day 6 of our Virtual Annual Banquet! Thank you to everyone who has participated in this event! We are starting Day 6 at 55.6% of our total goal of $40,000. We’d sure love to reach 60% by the end of the day. That means we need $1,760. Do you think we … Continued

Day 5: June 9th, 2020

It’s day five of our ten day fundraiser. We are halfway through our first major virtual event ever. And let me tell you, we’ve been AMAZED by the generosity that’s been displayed thus far. We had hoped that by day 5 we would be halfway to our goal of $40,000. And guess what? We are … Continued

Day 4: June 8th, 2020

How great is it that during this virtual fundraiser, we get to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary! June 8th, 2017 marked our official opening date as a satellite office of Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center in Jackson, WY. Shortly thereafter we became our own center, with a board of directors, a volunteer base, and a staff … Continued

Day 3: June 7th, 2020

During the first two days of our virtual event we witnessed people from all over sharing the message of life! What an amazing thing to watch unfold. And what a blessing! Have you been able to watch it all? Any of the posts that have been made public can be found on our donor Facebook … Continued

Day 2: June 6th, 2020

It’s Day 2! We are happy to report that day 1 was a success! We still have 9 days to go, and we have no doubt that our goal of $40,000 will be met, perhaps even surpassed! We are currently at $11,945.13. So, it’s time to discuss the 2nd thing we love about this ministry. … Continued

Day 1: June 5th, 2020

Today marks the kick-off of our Virtual Annual Banquet Fundraiser. To be honest, we are sad about not hosting our 3rd Annual Banquet in person. We were so excited about our speakers this year. And even more excited to share this evening with each and every one of you. We have so enjoyed our last … Continued